Fraternity hazing lawyer speaks: What happens if you’re caught college hazing in Tennessee  

fraternity hazing

We’ve all been there: things can get crazy at college. 

Since literally the 1800s, college hazing has been a rite of passage for many. But what can start out as an innocent tradition can often have dire consequences. 

If you were caught hazing in Tennessee, you, sir or madame, need a lawyer ASAP. 

As a criminal lawyer who proudly represents the criminally accused of east Tennessee, I’ve seen it all, and I’ve helped many clients with this exact issue. In this article, we’ll cover why college hazing can be a legal problem in Tennessee courts, which situations can put you in hot water, and exactly what to do if you find yourself facing hazing charges.

How can you get in legal trouble from college hazing in Tennessee?

Simply put, every single college in Tennessee has an anti-hazing policy, because hazing is illegal in Tennessee. 


  • You actively participated in any activity related to hazing

  • You passively participated, OR… 

  • You even had any knowledge of any activity related to hazing. 

Many college-aged clients of mine ask, “But this wasn’t even my idea!” or “I didn’t even want to do this, but my buddies got out of hand and I felt powerless to stop it.” 

Unfortunately, you can still get in legal trouble if you weren’t the leader or mastermind behind the hazing. Tennessee courts often go after everyone involved – even students who were merely aware of the hazing. This is why it’s essential to legally protect yourself, even if you weren’t the ring leader and even if you weren’t actively involved.

What Can Happen If You’re Caught Hazing at College in Tennessee?

If you’re caught hazing (or as mentioned above, even caught with the knowledge or passive participation), this is what can happen: 

  1. You can get your fraternity or sorority suspended for years,

  2. You can get arrested on charges of harassment 

  3. You can go to jail 


If the hazing led to terrible consequences such as injury or death, you can face prison time. 

Read: 8 Things To Do If You’re Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault

What if the Hazed Person Consented to Being Hazed?

Many college students believe that if the hazed person consented to hazing, it gets everyone off the hook. (In fact, there are many myths like this surrounding hazing. It might be good to educate yourself on myths vs facts.)

“After all,” they figure, “The person WANTED to be hazed! They wanted to join the sorority or fraternity and therefore was absolutely cool with it and wanted to do it!” 

In the eyes of Tennessee law, this doesn’t matter.

Consent of the victim cannot be used as a defense. 

So even if the person who was hazed consented, all parties involved can still face serious legal punishment. 

Read: What happens if you accidentally kill someone?

If you were caught hazing, this doesn’t have to end up ugly for you. 

Tennessee courts love “throwing the book” at unsuspecting college kids who get caught participating in hazing traditions. Don’t let this be you. It’s essential to find an experienced defense attorney who has handled many college hazing cases in the past and who can fight for your best interests.

In fact, finding the right defense attorney can make all the difference in minimizing or eliminating fines, jail time, or even potential prison time. 

Contact us today – and get the ball rolling on representation – by filling out our contact form or calling us at (865) 259-0999. 

Remember: hazing is illegal in Tennessee. 

You can get in legal trouble even if you weren’t the ring leader AND if the hazing victim consented to the hazing. 

You can get arrested, you can go to jail, and in some cases you could even face prison time. 

Which is why, if you were caught hazing, you need to contact us ASAP. 


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