How to beat marijuana charges in Tennessee court

That air freshener didn’t do its job, because Cop Larry thought he smelled something grassy in your car. Maybe the cop found a couple joints, a grinder perhaps…. Or maybe he found a lot more. 

With the draconian marijuana laws on the books in Tennessee, you have to take the right steps in this situation… or you could face some serious consequences. 

As a skilled and experienced criminal defense lawyer in Knoxville, I proudly represent the accused in Eastern Tennessee. In this article, I’ll show you exactly what can happen if you’re caught with weed in Tennessee, and three major ways to beat the marijuana charge so you can get back to your life. 

What is the punishment for getting caught with weed in Tennessee?

It depends on the situation. 

For example, if you’re charged with simple possession or exchange you can get hit with an entire year in jail and fines up to $2500. 

But what if you’re charged with possession with intent to sell or deliver? If this is the case, you could find yourself in a deeper hole. 

If you’re selling A LOT of weed (and by a lot I mean up to 300 pounds) you could face literally up to 15 - 60 years in prison. 

How to Beat a Marijuana Charge in Tennessee 

Don’t just assume this is going to end well or go away. It’s essential to do these 3 things immediately to minimize or completely eliminate a conviction: 

  1. Pony up with a great defense lawyer. 

It might feel silly to you that the court of law in Tennessee takes marijuana so seriously, but this is still a serious charge in Tennessee. Don’t assume you can get off without a strong defense. You cannot afford to sit back and coast through this with these draconian marijuana laws. 

As a skilled criminal defense lawyer in Knoxville, I am experienced with lessenning and eliminating marijuana and drug convictions. But first you have to reach out. Contact me by clicking here.

2. Find ways the police violated your rights. 

The police officer needed a reason to arrest you, otherwise its unconstitutional and they violated your rights. 

Folks, mistakes like this by the cops happen all the time. A skilled defense attorney can easily find these mistakes and get you off the hook. 

The police need probable cause before searching your car, apartment, etc for weed and drug paraphernalia. If they cannot provide probable cause that makes sense, you won’t have to face a drug conviction. 

3. Beyond reasonable doubt, show that the weed wasn’t yours. 

“What weed? I swear I’ve never smoked a marijuana cigarette in my life, officer!” 

This is a great time to keep your mouth shut about the marijuana even being yours to begin with. 

They have to PROVE that you intentionally and knowingly owned marijuana. If they can’t prove an affirmative link between you and the marijiuana in question … they can’t convict you of any crime.  

These are just a couple of ways to get your marijuana conviction thrown out in Tennessee.  

As a criminal defense lawyer in Knoxville that deals with drug cases all the time, I have gotten cases thrown out because the state could not prove the defendant had an illegal amount of weed. 

In many cases, the state has bigger fish to fry. It’s my job to make it as hard as possible for them to find a solid reason to convict you… and eliminate or minimize any fees or jail time. 

Don’t let stupid old laws nail you with a marijuana charge. 

Don’t mess around with this – get the right defense attorney immediately. Contact me today so we can get your marijuana case thrown out, so you can get back to living your life, worry free. 

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